Universal Time: The radical plan to destroy time zones

Last Summer, when  North Korea on the 70th anniversary of Korea’s liberation from Japanese occupation, announced it was permanently turning its clocks back half an hour. The country was creating its own time zone: Pyongyang time. This incident brought to light how time zones around the world make little sense.

Russia currently has 11 time zones, while China just has one. Spanish people are said to be constantly tired because they are in the wrong time zone. Nepal is –inexplicably – the only country in the world to have a time zone that is set to 15 minutes past the hour.

A few years back Steve Hanke, a prominent economist with Johns Hopkins University and a senior fellow with the CATO Institute think tank, and Henry, a professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins, teamed up to propose a new calendar designed to fix the inefficiencies of the current one.They suggested instead of trying to regulate a variety of time zones all around the world, we should instead opt for something far easier: Let’s destroy all these time zones and instead stick with one big “Universal Time.”

The logic of Universal Time is strikingly simple: If it’s 7 in the morning in Washington D.C., it’s 7 everywhere else in the world too. There are no time zones. Wherever you are, the time is the same.

-More at Independent

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